
Dodane przez Anonim (niezweryfikowany) - wt., 06/18/2024 - 06:45

Use a Reliable Metronome: Ensure you're using a metronome that is reliable and provides accurate tempo feedback. Digital metronomes and software applications should generally be precise, but checking for updates or troubleshooting any issues could help.
Trust Your Perception: If you feel that adjusting the tempo helps with your practice, continue to use the metronome as a tool for pacing and maintaining consistency in your playing. Even if the audibility of tempo changes is unclear, the practice of maintaining a steady tempo is beneficial. google
Experiment with Practice Techniques: Apart from using the metronome, consider practicing without it intermittently to develop your internal sense of tempo. This can help you rely less on external devices and improve your overall rhythmic accuracy.
Seek Feedback: If you're unsure about the tempo consistency in your practice sessions, consider recording yourself or seeking feedback from a music teacher or fellow musician. They might offer insights into your tempo control and musical interpretation.

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