Riot in Geometry Dash Lite

Dodane przez Anonim (niezweryfikowany) - pt., 07/12/2024 - 11:12

The American participant Riot is both renowned and accomplished in the game of Geometry Dash. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time.[2][3] He is renowned for hosting and verifying the 1.9 Extreme Demon level Bloodbath, as well as hosting the 2.1 Extreme Demons Tartarus and Acheron, which were initially the hardest Demon levels. Additionally, he is credited with establishing the Demonlist. Riot successfully completed numerous of the game's most challenging levels during his initial tenure. His most notable works include Retention, A Bizarre Phantasm, Crimson Clutter, ICE Carbon Diablo X, geometry dash lite and Cataclysm. Riot's involvement in Geometry Dash diminished after he failed to verify the 1.9 erstwhile harshest Demon Sonic Wave and completed a variety of Extreme Demons in a dispersed manner. He formally ceased playing the game on June 17, 2018.

Riot's absence from Geometry Dash spanned more than two years, culminating in the upload of his Sonic Wave completion on October 31, 2020, which is his current trickiest completion, following the termination of his YouTube channel. He uploaded a video of himself achieving 59% and a run of 56-97% on Zodiac approximately five months later. Within a few days, he would finish Sakupen Hell, the aftermath, Phobos, Athanatos, and Auditory Breaker. He is currently endeavoring to complete Tidal Wave as his final and most challenging achievement in Geometry Dash.[four]
Riot joined YouTube on March 10, 2013, but did not upload any recordings until April 28, 2014, when he defeated yStep.Five

The verifier of the Extreme Demon Bloodbath was the level completion that most significantly propelled him into the rankings of the top players, as it was the toughest Demon to be beaten/verified at the time. The level remained unblemished until March 2016, when Quasar finally defeated it.

Riot's account is predominantly comprised of challenges; however, he has also demonstrated his ability to be a creator. He has constructed only two significant levels: Sparks, an outdated level that he developed in update 1.6, and Quantum Processing, an Extreme Demon remake of Blast Processing for which he developed a portion of the gameplay.

He verified Bloodbath on August 12, 2015, a level that was once regarded as the most difficult level ever verified in the game by the entire community. Following the authentication of this level, Riot's popularity skyrocketed.

Riot announced his departure from the community on September 12, 2016, in response to allegations of hacking. However, he returned within hours. In December, a few months later, he uploaded a video in which he declared that he was growing weary of Geometry Dash and would be playing it less frequently. People were led to believe that Riot was permanently ceasing operations as a result of this video. Nevertheless, he uploaded a video of himself practicing The Hell Factory and clarified that he had not ceased playing, but rather was performing less because he did not feel like it at the time. Subsequently, he uploaded his Rearmed completion video, marking his fleeting return.

Riot would subsequently endeavor to verify Sonic Wave; however, he died at 96% and requested that Viprin develop a redesigned version known as Sonic Wave Infinity. He initially attempted to verify it before transferring it to Sunix, who also abandoned it. Subsequently, he assigned APTeam to redecorate the level, which was subsequently reviewed by numerous verifiers before Xanii ultimately confirmed its accuracy. Riot's greatest remorse in Geometry Dash is when he abandoned the verification of Sonic Wave.Six

On May 22, 2016, he verified his third Extreme Demon, Red World Rebirth, a redecorated variant of the notorious 1.8 collaboration by Neptune and saRy, after attempting to verify Quantum Processing but later abandoning it. Beginning with this level, Riot embarked on a substantial hiatus from Geometry Dash. He momentarily returns to the game by completing Audio Excursion and achieving a 73% score on the original Sonic Wave, months after taking a hiatus from the game.

On December 1, 2016, Riot uploaded a video of the Team N2 members exercising Artificial Ideology, a new level. The video was intended to be authenticated by Aeidux, but it was subsequently transmitted to Riot. On two separate occasions, he made significant progress on it, achieving runs of 26-88% and 44-100%. Additionally, he achieved 40% in the standard mode. However, on January 2, 2017, knobbelboy streamed himself verifying Artificial Ideology, stating that Riot had given up on the level. This was an unexpected move, as Riot had previously stated in the description of one of his progress videos, "I expect to beat this soon :)."

Riot announced on his Twitter account on January 4, 2017, that he was retiring from Geometry Dash and intended to create a video about the decision. This video has never been produced; however, it is uncertain whether it is currently in progress or has been terminated. On July 14, 2017, Riot defeated Saturn V, and since then, he has defeated a variety of Demons, ranging from Easy Demons like Universal Remote to Extreme Demons like Allegiance. Therefore, it appears that cancellation is a viable option.

In an announcement video published on September 14, 2017, Riot announced his retirement from Geometry Dash, likely for the final time, as a result of recurring finger pain that had affected him for nearly a year. The verification videos are likely to be the final Geometry Dash-related videos on his channel, as he stated that his active initiatives have been completed. Those recordings were Sonic Wave Infinity and Necromancer (which were scheduled for verification by Sunix) and Quantum Processing and Descent into Exile (which were scheduled for verification by Rampage).

Riot released a video on November 14, 2017, that revealed Noctalium's involvement in the hacking of specific Demons. He responded to Noctalium's video six days later and then published a video the following day, claiming that Noctalium had confessed. On November 29, 2017, Riot confirmed that Komp had verified Galactic Machine, stating that he "finally weakened the level from its original state."

He released a video on June 17, 2018, in which he declared his formal resignation from the game. He was transitioning to Fortnite and desired to establish himself as a name associated with that game rather than Geometry Dash.Seven He removed all of his Geometry Dash videos from the list and organized them into a playlist. Subsequently, he produced a sequel video.Nine His Fortnite recordings were successful, with several surpassing one million views.

On July 24, 2018, Riot's YouTube channel was terminated for advertising his link to a Twitch stream that broke the Terms of Service. On October 22, 2018, Riot's YouTube channel should have been reinstated, but it was not. Riot contacted YouTube on Twitter, but they replied by telling him to do an appeal which he did. Due to this, Surv made a video named #FreeRiot.[10]

On February 23, 2019, he returned to Geometry Dash by posting a gameplay revision video of Sonic Wave Infinity on his new channel, sparking a craze that he was returning to the game.Eleven

On August 27, 2020, multiple users on Twitter revived the #freeriot hashtag after getting npesta's channel back to being monetized using a similar hashtag, #freenpesta. Eventually, YouTube staff saw the #freeriot hashtag and Riot's tweet and reinstated his old channel.Twelve The same thing occurred with Nexus, AeonAir, DanZmeN, and Dorami. Riot released a video on his channel titled "I'm Back" (edited by Doggie), where he announced his return, talked about the back story of how his channel was banned (stated previously), and what he was doing for the past two years. The video has since been unlisted.Thirteen

Afterward, he began to practice Sonic Wave after stating that he would beat the level if he eventually got his channel back.[14] As of October 30, 2020, he beat Sonic Wave.Fifteen According to the description of the completion video, this was not the last time he would be playing or beating something in Geometry Dash, and there was more to come.

On November 12, 2020, Riot uploaded his verification of a 1.9 GDPS level called Project Reunion by GrenadeofTacos. This level was his first verification after years of inactivity on YouTube.[16]

After a few months of not playing the game, he began a Zodiac practice stream on March 16, 2021.[17] He continues to play the level, achieving 59% and 56-97% on it, and plans to beat it soon. In the meantime, he has also beaten Sakupen Hell, aftermath, Phobos, Athanatos and Auditory Breaker.

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