Play the platformer Geometry Dash Wave now

Dodane przez Anonim (niezweryfikowany) - śr., 11/20/2024 - 11:41

A bigger universe with waves of obstacles that you must navigate replaces the typical geometric shapes. Raise your high score by becoming more proficient as you go along if you want to make a dent in the game.

Learning to click and release the mouse button in rapid succession is essential if you want to ride your wave across the track's geometric forms while dodging the tunnels that have been created just for it. In ship mode, players can take advantage of dynamic gameplay aspects like holding to lift and releasing to fall, which aid in navigating perilous terrain. In geometry dash wave, the yellow pad represents a high jump, and the blue pads represent even more elevation. By gathering coins along the way, you can increase the difficulty and gain bonus points. Start playing our daily games right now because your level of dedication determines your success or failure.

A Beginner's Guide to Playing
Use the arrow keys or the mouse to jump.
To toggle effects, press the letters L.
Press B to change the backdrop.

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